How to get from Sidi Kaouki to Taghazout / Tamraght / Anza / Agadir by bus by bus
To make this journey you need to change at Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous Cafe)
1: Take a street taxi from Sidi Kaouki to Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous cafe). This trip is 15 minutes and should cost around 60 dirhams for the car (definitely don't pay more than 100..!)
2: Book our 3:15 pm bus from Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous cafe) to Taghazout / Tamraght / Agadir / Anza. This bus takes around 3 hours and costs €18 per person.
Total time around 3.5 hours
How to get from Taghazout / Tamraght / Anza / Agadir to Sidi Kaouki by bus
To make this journey you need to change at Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous Cafe)
1: Book our bus from Taghazout / Tamraght / Agadir / Anza to Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous cafe). This bus takes around 3 hours and costs €18 per person - it will arrive at Ghazoua around 1:15 pm
2: Take a street taxi to Sidi Kaouki from Ghazoua (Le Rendez Vous). This trip is 15 minutes and should cost around 60 dirhams for the car (definitely don't pay more than 100..!)
Total time around 3.5 hours
Email: | Whatsapp: +447367179102
FB Page: @souktosurf | FB Messenger:

Company Overview:
Souk to Surf shuttles and taxis are operated by Red Kech Travel Transfers
© Souk to Surf 2022